Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Trip like I do

Mother Russia Rulez

Problems X Good things

Ok got a few problems before my class tomorrow:
1. no printer and waiting for my printer to arrive by UPS tomorrow or thursday
2. problem with scale and size of the second file I just created
3. it's already 1 am at tuesday night and I still haven't finished my second beer and still have around 27 layouts to go ( yes I have commited myself to get 30 layouts done instead of 25)
4. the scale of my files seem to suck and I can't get my layouts to bleed on A4
5. my work schedule sucks and I can't get a regular schedule at the moment

Ok now the good news:
1. I think I found the type of style I feel more comftarble
2. Ilustrator suddenly is easy and I have been finding it easy to relate files between ilustrator and photoshop
3. getting inspired at finding it fun to do my layouts and not considering it such a burden as it was when I did the basic graphic design course at SVA
4. I don't give a jack shit regarding the noise my roommate and her boyfriend are making upstairs

Well 5 against 1 at the moment, but things are going to get much better I can feel it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Alive and kicking

DJ Virga album sample

Samples of the book I did for the Basic Graphic Design Course at the SVA last year

Ok lacking 3 things for next class but already tied a couple of strings in my fingers in my to do list:
1. Check out the Creating the work you love book
2. Build 25 posters based on type based on the 4 square diagram theory (I'll probably get more done in the end hopefully)

Anti-clockwise going clockwise

I have 3 main projects to work on, what started as one project work and focus on has already blew up into three things:
1. Website for the Brazilian Film Festival in NY
2. Website for my mothers english school back in Brazil
3. Album cover samples for my friend back in Detroit

Going ADD cycle now so this may change any minute now... to hell with focus long live the broad thoughts!

I'm the bit weird type but you'll see day by day I'm a pretty nice and serious guy in the end. =P